Saturday, November 13, 2010

Now I know...

Feeling so uneasy and no matter what, his message never seems to get through. It is as if he were sitting in a cell pleading lord forgive me. Yet nothing seems to show how sorry and wrong he is. Don't over dramatize the situation one goes, another if he really knew he was wrong he should have done what was right. Him sitting at a corner, now seeing the wrong he has made finally understands why he has disappointed that person. In his mind, he knows how to give a thousand and one reasons. But in his heart, he knows nothing will removed or undo the hurt and pain he has caused. Understanding that, he now knows the only way to resolve this is not by begging for forgiveness already but to prove his trustworthiness with action. End.

I updated my blog. Smile (:

1 comment:

Megan D said...

AWESOME! I'm the first one to comment. :D blog more mr shawnn