Friday, February 6, 2009

Jia oh Jia

Those who get tagged MUST answer the question's about themselves :)
-At the end of the post , tag 10 people to do the same except the tagger :)
-Continue this game by sending to other people (refer to rule No.2)''

Name: Shawn Chin

Age/Birthday: 19/9Sept
School: MRC

Elder sister: None

Younger sisters: none

Elder brother: none

Younger brothers: none

Favourite liquid's/ drinks: Water

Favourite consumables/ food: Rice

Favourite place too sleep: Bed

Flying: To no where?

Swimming or diving: Diving into the ocean.

How many friends in msn: 320. Lol. Didnt know i had that many.

Loved ones: F&F. Family n Friends

Get kicked on the butt: Yep. In football always happens.

Allergic?: Peanuts

Gastric?: Nope

Age of Marriage?: Been there done that... Not...

Children wanted?: 2-3?

Age of death?: When God wants me. xD

Animals in your house?: Kittens! 3 of them! Cute lil kittens!

Longest fingernails ever kept?:Errr if i keep all will be equally as long.

Wanted birthday present: Laptop or external hard disk with more than 200GB. I wouldnt mind an iPhone tho.

Q : In your dreams, god makes you a billionaire and grants you a wish, what will you wish for?
Go to heaven n leave the money for my family and friends.
A - Attached or single ?: single..

B - Best friend?:Kears NicK Jeremy n d list goes on..

C - Cake or pie?: Cake. Jia you owe me cake!

D - Day of choice?: Sunday.

E - Essential item?: iTouch now.

F - Favourite colour?: Aqua or sky blue.

G - Gummy bears or worms?: Both? Its just sweets le.

H - Hometown?: Kuala Lumpur

I - Favourite indulgence: Bed. xD

J - January or July?:Neither? Sept is the best month of the year!

K - Kids?: Should be. Parents sure want grandchildren right?

L - Life isn't complete without?: God.

M - Marriage date: Sept 11. xD In US! Near the world trade building perhaps? No la joking. Wife-to-be will decide this.

N - Number of magazine subscriptions?: None. Unless the devotion book counts la. xD

O - Oranges or apples?: Apples.

P - Phobias: None that i know of.

Q - Quotes?:Life is so troublesome... (stares into the sky) -

R - Reasons to smile?: Always? I smile most of the time.

S - Season of choice: Summer. Holiday time ma. xD

T - Tag 10 people: -
-Melody On
-Nick update yr blog time. xD
-Ran out of people. xD

U - Unknown fact about you?: I download like mad.

V - Vegetable?: Almost all except bitter gourd

W - Worst habit?: Laziness

X - X-men?: X-women? xD Wats wif this question? I know JIA! xP

Y - Your favorite food: Anything la.

Z - Zodiac sign: Dun believe in this nonsense.

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